El fantástico mundo de Juan Orol
El fantástico mundo de Juan Orol (2012)

El fantástico mundo de Juan Orol

(18 رایې)




I had the great pleasure of seeing this film which was shown only twice at MoMA in NYC as part of their Global Lens 2013 film series. In this film, Mexico's half-forgotten B-movie master, "involuntary surrealist" Juan Orol (1897-1988) , receives a pitch-perfect tribute which is a love letter to a self-made man of showbiz, whose career spanned nearly sixty films (1935-1968) .

Like the other contributor, we caught this wonderful Mexican film by director Sebastian Del Amo, something that came out of nowhere, proving to be a real surprise. It is a biopic that traces the work of Juan Orol, a titan in the cinema, who understood what to give an audience in the way of cheap entertainment.

En estos tiempos en que la calidad del cine mexicano está renaciendo en jóvenes promesas, Sebastián del Amo resucitó a uno de los más peculiares cineastas que ha tenido él país para rendirle un original y divertidísimo homenaje a la cinematografía nacional. Juan Orol, nacido en Galicia a fines del siglo XIX huyó a Cuba de niño y después a México.
